What a busy week! All of our Kindergarten kids are doing so well, although we did have two fall asleep during rest time. If I had sat down, I very well may have fallen asleep! The big news is that a new teacher has been hired, Mrs. Jill Price will be teaching the Monday/Wednesday class. I welcome Mrs. Price and look forward to working with her.
We really focused our work around apples this week. We counted apples (working on saying the number sequence 1 to 10), we painted apple trees (working on our fine motor skills), we learned three new apple poems, we practiced holding our pencils correctly and are going to continue to focus on that. We had excellent weather to visit Staci Marshall's amazing apple tree. We picked our apples and then continued on through Forestburg looking for signs of fall and nibbling our juicy apples. We even made little individual apple crisps and they were so good.
I am going to be sending home a webpermission form next week in hopes to gain each parents permission to post student pictures on this site, using only first names.
It was a great week and it ended on Thursday with a little boy going out the door and looking over his shoulder at me and hollering, "Bye Mrs. McMahon, you stay out of trouble!" Just how precious is that!