Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Another first in our Kindergarten.

This was one of the coolest things we have ever done in Kindergarten! We had a live video conference with our friends in the Grosse Ile, Quebec Kindergarten. It was so exciting. We started by introducing ourselves, then each class sang a song, then Mrs. Anderson (their teacher) and myself read Sadie and the Snowman, alternating pages, we then shared what we like about winter and sang a few more songs and waved goodbye. Can you believe we were interacting with Kindergarten kids on the other side of the country, that truly amazes me. If you would like you can view Mrs. Anderson's blog. The above picture shows our kids in the video conference room, I am reading the book while the Grosse Ile kids can be seen on the screen behind me. I videoed the kids as they were coming out of the room, I asked them what they noticed about our video conference with the kids from Quebec and this is what they said....


Anonymous said...

We are glad you learned so much from our activity together. We learned that fourwheeelers are called quads. We learned that your weather was different. We also learned about the video equipment and we liked sharing our songs with your class.
Thank you for joining us for such a good activity.

Sue said...

Very cool and very cute!
I will go and have a look at Donna's blog now.

maryellen said...

Congratulations on such a great activity. I have a grade one class and we live close to Montreal, QC. We did a skype call with Mrs. Anderson's class, too- a while ago. It is so much fun to learn about other kids in other places.