Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Annual Kindergarten Poppy Count....

It all started last Thursday after reading A Poppy is to Remember we grabbed the clipboards, our Canadian Flags and headed for the office to use our recycled juice box money to buy poppies. We were collecting data, we needed to find out who was wearing a poppy in our school.

Well, I have to tell you, the results were dismal. We found only 7 poppies in our whole K-12 school. We were disappointed and some classes got a "big, fat zero!" We told them we would be back on the following Tuesday and we expected better!
So today was the day, would we find more poppies or be disappointed yet again? Let me tell you, we were not disappointed! We found 127 poppies and the Grade 12's and Grade 3's had a full class of poppies, we gave them each three cheers for their good work. So, if you see a Kindergarten kid from our school coming, you better find a poppy, because we are on the look out!
Look at our data collection:

And here is our Remembrance Day Craft that we whipped up:


Room 2 said...

We are Imogen and Matthew from room 2,Burnham school New zealand. We love your art pitchers.

Mrs. McMahon said...

Dear Imogen and Matthew,
Thank you for the nice comments about our art pictures. Do you celebrate Remembrance Day or Veterans Day in New Zealand?