Sunday, December 5, 2010

We are caring...

Our school has a character education program that we have created called "Expect Respect." Each month we have a different theme or virtue that we focus on. In November, our theme was caring. We talked about,"paying it forward." This is a pretty big concept when you are five. So we just focused on doing something nice for someone else. All the students in our elementary school were trying to create a 'feel good ripple.' I do something nice for her, then she does something nice for him, and so on and so on. Everytime we did something nice for someone in our class we would write our name on a special colored circle and put it on our door. Well, our door is covered with colored circles. We did lots of caring things for our friends. As a class, we cut up apples and took a little snack to our Grade 3 buddies, the Grade 7,8,9 band, Grade 2 and our principal and vice principal.

We also invited our Grade 3 buddies over to play centers with us.

Our monthly assembly focused on the theme of caring and we recognized students from each grade who showed this quality. This was our caring student of the month. He always watches out for his friends. If someone is in need in the classroom, on the playground or in the hallway, he lets me know. He cares about his friends.

The month of December will bring the theme of generosity to our attention.


poulingail said...

I am so happy to read about your wonderful CARING class and school. The program is brilliant and you say you guys created it? The children are living the good character traits and so they will be able to remember them every day as life calls on them to show they care for others.
Best wishes for a warm and generous December!
Mrs. Poulin

Mr. Fines said...

Wow, what an excellent example for our kindergarteners here in Montana. We think we should do something caring and kind for our friends here.

Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful idea.

By the way, we are still looking for your moose cousin. We hope to find him or her soon and let you know.

Have a great day.
Your KF Dragon Friends!

Mrs. McMahon said...


I live in Australia and I have recently graduated from university. I have just accepted a job teaching Prep (kindergarten) next year and I'm very excited but a little nervous! I have never had any experience in Prep - all of my practical experiences have been with grades 2, 6 and 7 so I'm very new to the little ones! I was just wondering if you have any tips / great ideas for the first few weeks of school - especially the first week? I have some ideas but need a few more! Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have only just come across you blog and it looks great. I have made it my new homepage! :)

Kind regards


Mrs. McMahon said...

Thanks for the nice compliments Mrs. Poulin, Mr. Fines and Chantelle. We have a committed group of educators in our elementary school and commit much time to the organization of our Expect Respect Program. I will make sure to post more about it in the future.